Hello, there! You’ve been thinking of adopting the Vyte solution or you just want to discover it? If so, you’re probably trying to decide whether it will be the right decision for you. We'll try to help make that process a bit easier.
Here are as many details as we can squeeze into a single page to help give you an overview of Vyte compared to Doodle. We’ll also give you a comparison of features, pricing and performance.
If you need any other information, swing by to our chat, we'll be more than happy to reply answer any of your questions.
1. Vyte is design-friendly
If you care about the appearance or your brand in front of potential clients, Vyte has a neat and clean interface, which will suit almost any type of business. You can customise the look of your Vyte page with a custom logo and background.
Our interface is designed solely around providing the best possible scheduling experience. With a few clicks, your meeting is scheduled and added to your and your client's calendars.
Try to create your Vyte Page now.
In addition to that, Vyte is not cluttered with any advertising whatsoever. That’s because our goal is not to sell you, but to provide you with a premium service.
2. Tailored for productivity
At Vyte, we make sure that our customers don't waste time scheduling meetings. It's our primary focus. Because time is such a critical value for our customers and us, we make our product to simply achieve more with less. We don’t just stop at polls and getting people’s votes, Vyte syncs everyone’s calendars so there’s no more back and forth. We send reminders, let people choose and suggest locations, and we also have a Mandatory invitee feature: a mandatory invitee is an invitee that has to vote in order for the event to be confirmed.

Need a specific feature? Don't hesitate to contact us in our chat.
3. Vyte is API-friendly
We know that sometimes, companies have specific needs, or need to develop their scheduling system. At Vyte, we've created an API to help them in this process. Our API is well documented and has all the functionalities for what you need. Furthermore, you can get notified in real-time with our Webhook on every event created by your team or users. Contact us for more information!
You’re now armed with knowledge! Hopefully, this short guide was useful to give you a general overview of Vyte.
Starting with Vyte is easy, and we're here in the chat if you need anything.
Hit the button below to give Vyte a try. It’s entirely free and unlimited for 14 days, no obligation, no credit card needed.